Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Thing # 4 - Video Hosting

There clearly would be numerous advantages to having access to teaching videos at our disposal to share with the students. Depending on what you are teaching, videos are an excellent resource. I also think that putting student work on the web is a great way to validate their efforts. Additionally it would allow a way to share their work with other classes - I think that students always enjoy seeing what others have created. I had trouble uploading my video to YouTube, so I just pasted it directly from animoto.
My personal video:


atxteacher said...

Isn't Animoto great?! I love it so much for my family pictures, I have trouble making the leap to using it with kids. But I do see thematic applications. Loved the opening picture of your personal video :)

VWB said...

YouTube would allow you to do that also to your blog from their site